With only .3% THC, we have pioneered the next direction of smokes - all of the benefits of hemp with no harmful chemicals, no addictive nicotine, no lung-filling liquids and none of the side effects of THC. Blāz is the new wave of smoking.
Blāz reflects the dynamic doers, the daredevils, the sparky personalities, the visionaries that radiate personal expression. Whether it’s a prop for your next photoshoot or the catalyst between the canvas and a late night masterpiece – Blāz pays tribute to the creative process, provoking an endless artistic flow.
Dylan – 28
"I like to smoke cigs when I go to shows. This is a way better alternative and I feel way better the next day compared to tobacco."
Rachel – 34
"So great for chilling with friends or laying low on a weeknight!"
Phi – 27
Literally perfect for conservative LA girls who hate cigarettes but still wanna blast AC/DC and feel slightly badass.